These are wonderful times to be alive. We have an answer for everything, making life’s previous biggest challenges into a piece of cake. In the dark ages (not really but it feels that way), building a website used to be a task reserved for the best technological minds and even maintaining it used to be time consuming.
However, this is the time of web builders and not just a few, there are plenty out there enabling you to have a website like a pro without writing a line of code.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free website traffic, website builder

Social media started as something to pass time off but it has taken over every aspect of our lives in a storm. Not only are we hooked to social media in our personal lives but a business needs social media to prosper and thrive. While no one denies the importance social media plays in the overall marketing strategy, everyone laments the fact that it has evolved from more than a full time job and is a never-ending job because social media never sleeps.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free traffic, free web traffic, free website traffic, hootsuite, social media, social media marketing

Since the advent of YouTube, the world has become a different place. Time and time again other video sharing websites have been touted to overtake YouTube but that has yet to happen and YouTube is still the crowned king of video sharing. It is not only a place with videos of funny dogs and children to make us all laugh. It is quite possibly the best social media website ever and can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. Other social media platforms usually rely on pictures or words as a primary source of marketing and to connect with users, however, a video can be much more compelling.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: add website, business, free website traffic, help, youtube

For entrepreneurs, the already testing and nerve wrecking times are made even more stressful when they look around for ways to finance their startups. The sources available are many but their meanings can be confusing for people just starting down this line. And it is important to know the different types and their pros and cons before opting for a particular source of finance.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: finance, free website traffic, startup, website traffic

The first thought that pops into our minds when we think of job change is usually LinkedIn. No other website has been able to amass such a cult like following when it comes to anything related to professional branding. This social media website has made itself synonymous with a successful career in today’s world. LinkedIn boosts nearly 550 million users from over 200 countries, making it a powerhouse among all professional websites.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free website traffic, linkedin, social media, social media marketing, traffic exchange

A website is the face of your business to the world and everyone wants to make a lasting impression. What differentiates one website from another? Every business has a website these days but are they all achieving their goal? Just having a website for the sake of having one is not adding any value to your business when you can use it as a great marketing tool, create brand awareness and build relationships.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free visits, free website hits, free website traffic, great website, online business

So you have a blog where you are writing about things that matter to you deeply and pouring your heart out but there are no readers? Does it mean that no one cares about what you think? Chances are, you are just not marketing yourself well enough and getting your content to the desired audience. There was a simpler time when all you needed to do to be a successful blogger was to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid content and of course captivating content is a given.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: blogging, free website traffic, new blog, social media, website traffic

Now more than ever, the image of a business is of utmost importance. The old saying, “A picture speaks a thousand words.” is still relevant in the digital world of today. One of the most important aspects every business especially small business should be focusing on good graphic design. But for some unfathomable reason, business owners mostly do not see the value it brings to the business and usually become penny pinchers.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: business, free website traffic, graphic design

People since the beginning of time have been daydreaming about quitting their 9-5 jobs and working on something that they are passionate about. Everyone wants to be their own boss, with no one telling them what to wear, what to do when and how to do it.
Side hustles are the new big thing and most of the young people are working both full time and have a side hustle as well.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free web traffic, free web visits, free website traffic, free website visitors, full time gig, side business

Social media has taken over the world in a whirlwind and now dominates every aspect of our lives. Business and social media go hand in hand these days, the survival a business is dependent on the success of it social media marketing strategy. With the money being spend on social media campaigns, the amount of pressure on business to stand out from others on these social media platforms is enormous.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: best social media, free website traffic, lead traffic exchange, social media marketing, social media tools