You have a small business and are thinking of spreading your wings, you are probably already looking for a website host. No matter how small the business is, one man against the world or a small team of employees, being successful in today’s digital world without a website is quite possibly an impossible task. You might be tempted to go for free platforms like WordPress or just suffice with a social media page/handle, but it gives an unprofessional image to the customers.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: buy traffic, buy website traffic, small business, web hosting

The boom of social media has also resulted in influx of small businesses and startup, each one trying to get the ever-elusive attention of potential customers. Small businesses need to utilize all the resources at their disposal to rise above the herd. And in this digital era, what better way to do so than to make a website.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free web traffic, free web visits, free website visitors, small business, web builders

It is true that if you want to be successful, you have to be relevant. To be relevant is to be able to communicate, interact and connect in the best way possible using the most effective channels. Social media platforms (and there are numerous of them) have become the preferred way to communicate, connect and interact with people around the world.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: business, marketing, online marketing, small business, smm, social media, social media marketing

Many large and small businesses are coming up with new sites every day and the best way to ensure that yours stands as one of the best is to apply the best design. A small business website design should be professional, polished and be visually appealing to give the best impression to a potential customer. Many people will have different taste on aesthetic value but this will not mean that you are free to use any design that seems good to you.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: business, businesses, design, features, small business, web design, website design

Contrary to the belief of many that failure is not worth discussing, there are many things that a person can learn from those who did not get it right. The fact that over 90 percent of innovative companies do not make it past their first year requires keen analysis that will not only help new entrepreneurs but also the established ones to tread cautiously.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: business, ecommerce, failed, failed startups, small business, startups

With the rise of the internet and the ever increasing number of internet users, the internet now offers one of the most promising and booming platforms for commerce, marketing and resource acquisition. Amazon and the other gigantic online markets are proof to the efficacy of the internet as a platform for Commerce. Brick and mortar businesses and all business for that matter can experience growth exponentially if they incorporate internet marketing into their marketing strategy to increase their reach and get more clients.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: business, marketing, marketing tools, online business, online marketing, online marketing tools, small business

Establishing a foot in e-commerce can be a very challenging task especially when you don’t know how to do it. There is no one direct means of making it in this industry; rather, it is by combining different approaches that you will be able to catch up with, or get an edge over other competitors. Sometimes you will have to spend heftily. Below are the eight ways to market your online business:
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 8 ways, business, guest blogging, market your business, marketing, online business, pay per click, promote, seo, small business

According to a paper by the Wall Street Journal, three out of every four startups often fail. Why is that? Could it be lack of a good idea? The truth is that a startup can fail for more than one reason.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: business, determination, focus, lesson, lessons, professional, small business, startup, startups, team work

With technology advancing at a very fast pace today, businesses – small, medium and large alike – are finding more ways to promote their products and/or services to their target markets. However, for small and even medium businesses, things may not go as smooth as for large scale businesses. This is because small and medium businesses are limited by the budgets and resources they have at hand.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: digital marketing, grow small business, internet marketing, internet marketing tips, small business, small business tips

A small business is not a large business and will never be one until it finds out what brings a large business to the top of the success ladder. With today’s internet connection being so easily accessible literally everywhere, it becomes a good idea to harness the benefits of content marketing. No, this is nothing like the old-fashioned direct response advertising.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: internet marketing, internet marketing tips, small business, small businesses, success stories