It is out of the question that every single blog owner out there dreams of his blog to receive high traffic volume within every single day, if possible. Yet, fact is, there are not few blog owners out there that have failed to achieve this very goal over and over again.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, facebook, facebook marketing, facebook traffic, marketing, smm, social media, social media marketing

Perhaps it was true that in the past, selling products was not quite an easy task to carry out. This was mostly due to the massive number of limitations, such as distances, that past marketers had to deal with. However, thanks to today’s technology, there is no longer such a limitation.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, facebook, facebook guide, facebook marketing, facebook traffic, smm, social media, social media marketing

During the old days, it might take a lot to sell a product. However, with the technology being so advanced these days, there should no longer be such a problem. In fact, selling has never been easier. However, not everyone can sell products just by tweeting on Twitter.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, smm, social media, social media marketing, twitter, twitter marketing, twitter sales

Among all the social networks available on the internet, Facebook happens to be the one that has the most members. With that being said, there is no questioning that it is an ideal platform to sell stuffs.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, facebook, facebook marketing, facebook traffic, smm, social media, social media marketing

Among the many social networking sites out there, you can find one that is rather unique. Known as Pinterest, this social platform offers something that is rather different than its competitors do. Nonetheless, it is a social platform with millions of members registered and as such, it should prove to be quite an ideal platform for you to market your products.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, pin, pinterest, pinterest marketing, re-pin, social media, social media marketing

Instagram is a social networking site that mainly focuses on images and short video clips to connect its millions of registered members. Since images and videos say a whole lot more than texts do, it is not surprising to see how quickly this social platform in particular grows.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, instagram, instagram marketing, marketing, smm, social media, social media marketing, tips

Vine is the new Video platform that is the latest rage in the digital world. Vine is a platform owned by Twitter. The content on Vine consists of 6 second videos and it works exactly like Twitter where people follow you on Vine, re-vine your videos, comment on them, favorite them etc.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, email marketing, smm, social media, social media marketing, video marketing, vine, vine marketing

It is out of the question that Facebook is the most favorite social networking site today. Well, it is not the only social network site available out there, but it actually has the highest number of members compared to other similar sites. Taking that into account, it is definitely going to be very beneficial if you can get traffic to your site from Facebook.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, facebook, facebook traffic, smm, social media, social media marketing

Instagram is a super new pictorial social media platform, which is taking the digital world by storm. You can put both pictures as well as short videos on Instagram. Instagram as a platform has more than 130 million active users across the world.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, instagram, instagram marketing, smm, social media, social media marketing

Foursquare is the king today of location based apps with more than 20 million active users. Nothing pleases Foursquare users than being the mayor of a particular place and flaunting the multiple badges that they own. Simply put Foursquare is a platform that allows users to tell the world where they are at any point during the day or night.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, foursquare, foursquare marketing, smm, social media, social media marketing