The boom of social media has also resulted in influx of small businesses and startup, each one trying to get the ever-elusive attention of potential customers. Small businesses need to utilize all the resources at their disposal to rise above the herd. And in this digital era, what better way to do so than to make a website.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free web traffic, free web visits, free website visitors, small business, web builders

People since the beginning of time have been daydreaming about quitting their 9-5 jobs and working on something that they are passionate about. Everyone wants to be their own boss, with no one telling them what to wear, what to do when and how to do it.
Side hustles are the new big thing and most of the young people are working both full time and have a side hustle as well.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free web traffic, free web visits, free website traffic, free website visitors, full time gig, side business

Web traffic is a measure of your popularity over the internet and via the internet. Larger the number of viewers, larger is the possibility of business. Website designers, content writers, bloggers, website owners are all engaged in making their website SEO friendly in all known and possible ways. Web analytic software is a very necessary invention in this aspect. It helps you understand visitor’s response to your website and other similar websites allowing you to campaign or design your website more effectively. The result is a wave of traffic steered clearly towards your website.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free web traffic, free web visits, free website traffic, traffic, visitors, web traffic, web visitors, website traffic

Web traffic is a measure of how reputed or worthwhile a website is. If the website has been in the web world for some time, then this is surely a measure of popularity and some great content. This is because of any one or all of the following reasons:
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: free visits, free web traffic, free web visits, traffic, visits, web traffic, website traffic, website visit, website visitors