How do I earn points on 10KHits?

To earn points on 10KHits, just click on the “Surf Now!” button on the left sidebar of the dashboard after logging in.

A download prompt will pop up to download our surfing program 10KHits Exchanger. You can also download the exchanger by going to

We recommend you to download the application and use it to surf without interruptions but you can also continue surfing using your web browser. If you do use the web browser, be prepared for any pop ups that may interfere with your surfing.
For every website you visit, you’ll earn 1 – 6 points depending on the visit duration of the visit. You’ll earn 6 points if you visit a website that has visit duration of 60 seconds, 5 points for a 50 second visit and so on. Each point is equivalent to a 10 second visit.

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How do I add sites to my account?

To add sites to your account and start receiving hits to them, click on the “Websites” tab on the left sidebar of the dashboard.

To add a site, you can click on the blue “+Add Site” button on the top right or bottom right corner of the page. If you are a new member, you will also see a dashed/dotted slot that you can click to add your first site to our network.

Input the URL of the website or webpage you want to promote.

Choose the visit duration for your hits from 10 seconds to 60 seconds using the slider.

Set the maximum hits per hour using the slider from 5 hits to 500 hits per hour.

Set a hits limit for your campaign. Hits limit is the life time hits of your campaign. If you select “stop traffic after reaching a limit” the campaign will pause once the limit is reached.

If you are using a Pro or Business account, you can set a social, custom source URL or anonymous / direct traffic as your traffic source.

If you are using a Business account, you can limit your hits from the following countries using geo-targeting. Check mark the countries you want to receive traffic from and toggle the geo-targeting option from OFF to ON

If your website contains nudity, violence, pornography or profanity, you must set the content screening to “The content on this page is not safe for work.” If your website is safe for work select “The content on this page is safe for work.”

Click “Add Site” and your campaign for that URL will start running instantly as long as you have points in your account.

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How do I manage my URLs?

To manage your websites on 10KHits, click on the “Websites” tab on the left sidebar of the dashboard after logging into your account. Here you will find a list of websites you have added and website slots remaining on your account.

By each website campaign there is the status of your campaign as follows:
Active campaigns that are currently receiving hits will have a green checkmark icon by it.
Paused campaigns will have a yellow minus icon by it.
Suspended campaigns will have a red exclamation icon by it.
Expired campaigns will have a gray X icon by it.


We have also listed some other useful information to help you quickly view your campaign settings without having to expand the panel or by going into the Manage Site settings. You may see some icons and numbers on the right of the panel. The icons help you know whether your campaign has white label traffic source (paper airplane icon) or geo-targeting (globe icon) enabled. The first number from the left represents the visit duration and the second number represents the Maximum Hits per Hour for that campaign.

For example, the first campaign uses 60 seconds visit duration and a maximum hits per hour of 500.

To manage a website campaign, simply click the gear icon on the right side of the panel. A drop down menu will show up in which you can manage site, pause site, create similar or delete site.

If you click the “Manage Site” option, you’ll be able to change the visit duration, maximum hits per hour, hits limit, traffic source (Pro and Business only), geo-targeting (Business only) and content screening.

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How do I expand/collapse all of my website campaign panels?

At the top right of the Websites page right below the +Add Site button, you’ll see a link called “expand all”. Click that link to expand all panels for your website campaigns. To collapse all the website campaign panels, click the “collapse all” link.

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What is visit duration?

Visit duration is how long you want each visit to last. If you set the visit duration for one of your websites to 60 seconds, people will stay on your page for 60 seconds before leaving the page. You can set the visit duration to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 seconds at the price of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 points respectively.

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What is maximum hits per hour?

Maximum hits per hour lets you restrict how many hits the website will receive in an hour before the campaign stops receiving hits within that hour and is restarted for the next hour. For example, if you set the maximum hits per hour to 300, you will never receive more than 300 hits per hour. This means you’ll get at most 7200 hits per day because 300 x 24 hours = 7200 hits a day. Keep in mind that this does not mean you will receive 300 hits every hour. You could receive less than 300 hits per hour depending on how much activity the network is getting.

IMPORTANT: Changing the maximum hits per hour setting is not immediate and will take in effect in the next hour. If you wish to update it immediately, you’ll need to recreate the campaign and delete the old one. Our system will only update this setting each hour. You may also pause the campaign and wait for the next hour to resume.

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