Creating a Landing Page That Impresses

Landing Page Tips

When it comes to designing a website, there are in fact quite an enormous number of things that web designers are supposed to pay attention to. Yet, quite unfortunately, it seems that more and more web designers are beginning to forget about the essentials of designing a website. One thing that is of utmost importance in designing a website is the landing page of the site.

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How do I transform data in Google Analytics with goals?

Additionally, you can set up goals to transform your data. Setting up goals can create new metrics like conversions and conversion rate. For example, you can set up a goal to track sign ups. Each time someone signs up, it will be recorded in Google Analytics as a conversion. In “Admin” page, select the view you want to add a goal to and click “Goals”. Click “New Goal”. Input your goal name and goal type then click next step.

Let’s say that every time a person signs up they are sent to the page: /registration-complete.html. You can set that as your destination page URL. You can also assign a value. For example, if you sell a service that costs $15 you can set the value of each sign up to $15 giving your conversions a monetary value. Even if they do not pay right away and are just a prospect, you can set a monetary value to your goal. For instance, if on average 1 person out of 5 signups actually buy your service at $15 after signing up, you can set the value for each sign up to be equivalent to $3 per sign up since it takes 5 signups for one $15 conversion (5 * $3 per sign up = $15 conversion).

Filed under: Digital AnalyticsDocumentation
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What are conversions in Google Analytics?

A conversion is a completed action of an activity on your website such as a sign up, a download or a purchase. There are different categories of reports for conversions such as Goals, E-commerce, Multi-Channel Funnels and Attribution. Goals are defined in Google Analytics. E-commerce conversions are tracked with JavaScript code on your shopping cart page or pages that collect information on each transaction. Multi-channel funnels reports show the sequences of interactions such as clicks/referrals from channels that lead to each conversion. The interactions that lead up to a conversion is also called conversion paths. Attribution Model Comparison requires goals or e-commerce tracking to be enabled and lets you compare how effective your channels are.

Filed under: Digital AnalyticsDocumentation
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