How to optimize the Quality Score for cost-effective PPC campaigns
Friday, April 28th, 2017
The Quality Score is a kind of ranking provided to each and every website that opts for paid advertisements with Google. Like for example PPC or the Pay per Click form of advertisements and online marketing. Quality score is directly and positively correlated with each and every PPC campaign. Greater the quality score larger is the effectiveness of the PPC campaign and more is the ROI. The main benefits of a good Quality score are:
- Higher position among other similar ads in the SERP
- Google reduces the cost per click for an ad or a website that has acquired a good quality score. This means more profit from the ad server company. Needless to say, that websites marked by Google for having a good Quality score will automatically mean that these websites are extremely useful to the visitor, is pulling a substantial web traffic and with a good rate of conversion of visitor into customer.
- A higher quality score from Google thus signifies lower cost per conversion.
Following are 5 tips on how to optimize or improve your Quality score for a successful and cost effective PPC campaign:
- Landing page optimization: Your landing page should be useful to the visitor and be justified to your ad heading. It should be enriched in content and highly maintained with all the current trends of web design and marketing strategies. In other words, impress your visitor to impress Google and vice versa.
- Working consistently with Ad words: AdWords is a user interface of Google who wants to engage in PPC You need to be active and dynamic in this interface. Initiating a PPC campaign and posting an ad with Google is not enough to ensure success of digital marketing. Your Ad word history and performance with websites is being consistently monitored by Google to determine the Quality Score of your ad.
- Keyword Research: This has to be done on a regular basis. There are several tools for keyword research over the web. Try to find out highly relevant and new keywords and insert them in your content. In this aspect, it is important that you keep a close eye on the online presence of your competitors. As somebody quoted that you have to run to be present at the same place. You can think of adding a couple of long tail keywords so that you can pull in visitors with high conversion-to-customer probability.
- Refinement for appropriate Ad text: this is one of the vital aspects of pulling in useful web traffic with PPC The ad text needs to appropriate with high degree of relevance to your business and content. For example if you are selling sports shoes then your ad text should contain the keyword ‘sports shoes’ and not simply shoes.
Excluding irrelevant content: This is a continuous process that depends on how well your ads perform. Web analytics software can help you know the performance of your ad and website.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: ads, adwords, bing ads, google adwords, pay per click, ppc, quality score
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