Time to Kick These Common 5 SEO Myths
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018

Search engine optimization has been around since ages and is constantly changing. It is as relevant today as it was before and always keep the marketers and SEO strategist adopting. Despite its importance, business owners usually have certain misconceptions about SEO and the role it plays. Down below are some of the most common myths about SEO and why they are just that, myths and nothing more.
- They are Clickbait: One of the most prevalent myth is that SEO is just click baiting and nothing else. Coming up with keywords that your intended user associates with is just one step of the bigger picture in the SEO process. Proper SEO makes the user experience better by:
- Making content that is more easily discovered
- Structuring data
- Optimizing website for mobile & social media use
- Reaching the right audience
Unfortunately, some of the smaller naïve businesses have been taken for a ride by others who promised that their website will be ranked #1 for $xx. Of course, there is not such short cut for SEO and now they think SEO is just a fraud. SEO requires hard work and effort in order to be effective.
- Blogs are Essential for SEO: Some people associate SEO with blog writing and believe that blogs are the actual essence of it. A blog will not magically make your website appear higher on the search ranks or make more people look you up.
A blog can be a great way to further strengthen your website and augment your SEO friendly content if you already have a strong website presence. If your business is new, no one is going to be interested in your blog.
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You should use blogs when:
- You have little competition
- Have an established website (check domain authority score)
- Write blogs on external websites
- If you must write blogs for your new business, use Facebook to promote them
- SEO is Free: This is one of the touted benefits of SEO in marketing strategy but it is far from truth. True, you do not need to spend specific money on SEO content, but SEO will only drive traffic to your website when you have invested a lot of time, effort and technical expertise in your website to optimize it.
- Overstuff Content With Keywords: Gone are the days when quantity of keywords used to determine the Google ranking. However, people are still in the dark ages and associate SEO with stuffing keywords into the content. Overstuffing with keywords can actually backfire now and have the opposite intended results. People are looking for unique knowledgeable engaging content, not one that makes no sense and is full of keywords.
- Link building is Bad: People either think that link building is dead or view it as something where more is merrier. Not all link building is equal and quality and not quantity, matter when it comes to link building. Linking through Twitter or Facebook or some unknown websites is actually bad but a mention in a reputable website can do wonders for your SEO results.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 5 common myths, cheap web traffic, search engine optimization, seo, seo myths
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