Ready to start a website? Great. Are you thinking that web hosting is the same thing as a domain name. Wrong. It is easy to get confused between web hosting and domain name and think that they refer to the same thing. Web hosting is the place where your website and all its files are stored, a server. Whereas, a domain name is the actual name of your website like facebook.com, amazon.com. In layman terms, domain name is actually the name of the house that you live in and web host is the actual house.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: cheap targeted traffic, domain name, domain names, hosting 101, web hosting, website host

Web hosting is a way to get your site accessed globally but hiring the wrong service can end up frustrating you. To avoid this from happening, you should consider the following before you plant your money on any service provider.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: hire web hosting, web host, web hosting, webhost, website host, website hosting

Making a decision concerning the platform on which to run your website is like picking a physical business premises. The better the place pick, the less stressful it will be for you to operate in the future. This article reveals 8 tips to help you find a reliable web hosting company:
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: reliable, web host, web hosting, web server, web servers, webhosting, website host, website hosting

Paying attention to the rapid growth of the internet, a lot of companies out there try to rally with one another when it comes to offering customers with the best web hosting services. While each and every single one of these companies may claim that its service is the best around, customers should not simply take the words of the companies for it.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: 10khits, best web hosting, web host, website host, website hosting