This Is How You Are Supposed to Sell on Twitter

Sunday, October 11th, 2015

sell on Twitter

If you happen to be a frequent internet user, chances are, you are very familiar with the social networking site that people call Twitter. Yes, this is a place where you can tweet about practically everything, everything you want to share with the outside world. Well, Twitter is a good platform, keeping in mind the massive number of members that it has on the site. With that being said, there is no questioning just how an effective selling medium it can be. Speaking of which, for those who have products to sell, they can always count on Twitter. Only, they need to know what they are supposed to do and here, in the article, lies the answer to that very question of how to sell products effectively only by tweeting.


Determine a Margin for Promotions

The activity of promoting something can often prove to be quite addictive. However, when a seller kind of gets carried away with this very task, he is not doing any good for his prospective buyers. Instead, he is simply driving them away from his products. According to Christy Cook, who happens to be the very founder of the Teach My foundation, Twitter is like a party and in a party, guests are more interested in getting to know each other better than buying any products, if at all. In case you wonder, Teach My is a children foundation situated in Toronto, US.


Tweet Something besides Selling As Well

Some sellers do a horrible mistake by just tweeting about the products they intend to sell. These sellers never seem to tweet about anything else, such as what they experience today, perhaps a rather unique and interesting event. It is crucial that a seller tweets something besides his products, too, you know. Then, when anyone on this social platform in particular happens to mention his products, or something related to them, the seller should try his best to respond to those tweets as promptly and frequent as he can.


Freebies Always Attract

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The thing about free stuffs is that they never fail to attract anyone in this world. After all, people just naturally like to receive freebies. So, for instance, if a seller wants to sell a piece of software he develops, that seller may offer a demo or trial version of his software for free to anyone following him on Twitter. Then, the next thing that the seller can do is to provide a link where prospective buyers can visit to buy the full version of the software.


Questions and Answers Work

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Questions and answers can be very amazing at times. Unfortunately, there are not many sellers out there that realize how asking questions and answering questions can help increase the sales of their products rapidly. One of the things that a seller can do here to sell more of his products is to re-tweet any questions he may receive from his followers on Twitter and only answer them afterwards. This way, the seller is actually doing two things at the same time, responding to his existing followers or buyers and attempting to attract new ones.

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