SEO Tips – Gain More Blog Visitors with Twitter!

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

SEO tips

It is true that there are dozens of social platforms that people can possibly come across on the World Wide Web these days. However, not all of these social platforms offer the same functionalities. Twitter, for one, offers something that is rather unique. It allows its users to say things that do not exceed 160 characters. That is basically the maximum number of characters that a person can enter into a regular SMS text. Well, even then, Twitter can increase the traffic to a website quite significantly. These tips will reveal how that is even possible at all.


Tweet Short Sentences

One of the key aspects on Twitter is that a tweet has to be short. It is best if a user on the site can post a tweet less than 160 characters yet the tweet already has comprehensive information. The reason behind why a short tweet is a better tweet is quite straightforward. Who is going to have the inclination or time to read long and long sentences on a social platform like Twitter? No one, apparently.


Tweet Witting Sentences

In addition to being short, a tweet should in fact be quite witting as well. This will make the tweet more appealing to a larger number of other Twitter users. Also, it is important to keep in mind that a tweet should be relevant to what the tweeter is actually trying to promote.


Use an Image on Tweets

With images involved in a tweet, the odds of getting people’s response tend to increase at quite a significant rate. When compared to simple text tweets, a tweet with an image is more likely to get likes, questions and comments. This may even eventually led to a discussion relating to the product being promoted, which is a blog in this case. Speaking of using images, they need to be of a high quality. Otherwise, the images will practically be completely useless.


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Be Social

Being social means tweeting something else outside promoting a blog. When a blogger becomes social on Twitter, he is actually making friends with as many other Twitter users as possible. This actually helps the blogger increase the traffic to his blog, too. The more friends he has within his social network, the more effective his blog promotion will certainly be. This is because more people will see the blogger as a friendly, personal member, and they will be more than happy to help him with his goal.


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Limit the Promotions

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What a blogger really needs to keep in mind is that there is a limit to everything, even to blog promotion. If a blog owner only posts about his blog promotion every single time he posts a new tweet onto Twitter, it won’t take long before the other Twitter users within his network of friends realize it. Then, when they finally realize that the blogger is all about promoting his blog, sooner or later, they will leave and abandon the blogger.

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