Multiple Ways You Can Sell Products on Facebook

Sunday, September 20th, 2015


Whether they like it or not, technology is coming to all of the people living on this planet. Those who do not learn how to harness the benefits that technology has to offer are most likely to suffer in the future. With that being said, everyone had better start learning how to harness the benefits that technology is offering today, including when they are trying to sell a product. Speaking of which, people can actually use such a social platform as Facebook to help them accomplish their goal. Here are the things that they will have to do in order to sell a product successfully on the said site.


Pick Whom to Target in the Mailing List

On Facebook, there are millions of members registered and it is impossible none of these members is attracted to the product that someone may be selling. When a seller eventually meets a relevant fan, there is a huge opportunity that the fan will not hesitate to purchase the product being sold. With that in mind, it will be a brilliant idea to target this fan in a mailing list dedicated to selling the product. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea as well to target other groups of fans if these groups of fans have voluntarily subscribed to the said mailing list.


Try Different Post Variations

To successfully sell any products on Facebook, or any other social networking sites for that matter, one thing that sellers should never forget is to try different variations of posts. However, it is critical that the sellers prevent their post variations from showing up organically on their Facebook page. Otherwise, their page will look like a mess for being cluttered with one too many similar posts. This is where the Unpublished Posts feature on Facebook comes in handy. Sellers can use them in a similar way they use their organic posts, showing up on the news feed section of their Facebook page. This definitely helps advertise whatever products that the sellers are trying to sell.


Boost Posts

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The Complete Guide to Creating Clickable Pins

Boosting a post on Facebook is vital if a seller ever wants to make any sales. Thankfully, Facebook provides an easy way for sellers to boost their posts. Sellers can easily start a new advertising campaign, making sure the campaign comes with a solid naming structure. It is also highly recommended that sellers use their Facebook page posts as advertisements. Yet, they need to think about possible placements for those advertisements as well. Most commonly, advertisements are placed either on the desktop news feed, mobile news feed or Facebook’s sidebar. Additionally, sellers may also track their ad conversions by using the Conversion Pixel tool, which is mentioned below.


Conversion Pixel

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Conversion Pixel is a tool that Facebook provides in order to help sellers track how many advertisements they have that have successfully been converted into revenues. Sellers can tell if their conversions are completed if the pixel starts appearing on their website success page.

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