Learning to Increase Blog or Website Traffic with Instagram

Friday, October 23rd, 2015

increase website traffic

Having a website in this digital era can be very beneficial. With a website, a person can earn income from a number of sources. For instance, the person can get income from advertisements placed on his website. Or, the person can also earn income by selling stuffs on his website. However, before his website can generate any income, it will need visitors. Speaking of which, a website owner may want to pay attention to the following tips on how to increase the traffic to their website or blog, by means of Instagram.


Make As Compelling a Bio As Possible

On Instagram, the bio page of a member is critically important. Besides the bio page, there is nowhere else that a blog or website owner can place a link that refers to the URL of his blog or website. This is why it is of utmost importance to make the bio page as compelling as possible. To do that, it seems to be a good idea to use quirky and short information.


Never Use Low Quality Images

While it is just fine for people to post text updates without images on Facebook, let alone Twitter, images are a very important element on Instagram. After all, the site is made of images mostly. Yet, it is crucial that a blog or website owner uses only the best quality images for their Instagram posts or else the posts will simply be ignored.


Use Texts at Proper Times

Yes, Instagram is mostly made of images. However, this does not necessarily mean that a blog or website owner can no longer use any texts, but the texts need to be interesting. Taking inspirational or rather funny quotes from his blog or website is often a good idea here.


Use Hash Tags Wisely and Effectively

In order to make it possible for Instagram users to find the blog or website owner, it is crucial that the blog or website owner uses hash tags. These hash tags have to be relevant with the thing being talked about. In addition to that, a blog or website owner should never use too many hash tags as they will look like spams. Hash tags on Instagram are the equivalent of keywords on Google Search.

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Go and Find Followers

To succeed on Instagram, the owner of a blog or website needs to have a decent number of followers. To do that, the owner of a blog or website can try looking for Instagram members that do business in a similar niche to his. The blog or website owner can do that by using relevant hash tags. Then, once he finds such Instagram members, he should follow one or more of them before he will be able to receive any followers himself.


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Post Multiple Times Daily

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While trying to promote something, it is always a good idea to do the promotion more than just once a day. A blog or website owner should do the promotion at least twice a day. However, he cannot do the promotion too many times, either, or he will be taken as a spammer.

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