How to Market Your Business Using Vine

Friday, February 26th, 2016

Promote Business with Vine

When it comes to social media, you may have often heard of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Yet, have you heard of Vine before? In case you haven’t, it is a particularly good social video sharing platform that you can use if you are thinking about marketing your business. Vine, for one, is literally the best choice for those audiences that do not have much time to waste. With Vine, all you need is six seconds from your target audiences or potent customers. Yet, you may be wondering how you are supposed to market your business in mere six seconds. Well, to help you in that, here are some tips that are worth trying.


  • Remember That You Have 6 Seconds


First, a lot of Vine users may think that a time window of six seconds is a very limited one. However, if you want to succeed in marketing your business with Vine, you should change your way of thinking. Instead of thinking about being limited, you should think that you have six seconds to take advantage of. After all, in case you forget, in only six second, you can already insert a few hundred frames of images. Also, there is another thing that you should never forget. Although Vine gives you no more than six seconds for your video, that video of yours will loop for as long as it is being displayed on the screen. This translates into the video being displayed, like, for good. So, all you have to do is to brainstorm your mind to find ideas that can loop around so well over and over again that even six seconds can become very beneficial to you.


  • Never Confine Vine Marketing to a Bubble


If you want to market your business with Vine, you should also promote your Vine video on other social platforms. For an instance, you can include it in your blog posts, your dedicated website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, you name it.


One good idea here is that you can use Vine to make a teaser trailer of your upcoming YouTube video. This will certainly increase the number of people that will eventually watch your YouTube video.


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  • Timing Does Matter


In your quest for success, you should always remember that your timing matters a lot. So, since the duration of a Vine video is not going to exceed six seconds, well, at least not anytime soon, you may want to take advantage of another event’s momentum. For an example, you may want to take a look at the Vine video created by Adidas when the 2014 FIFA World Cup was approaching. In the video, Adidas shows all the Adidas balls used from 1970 to 2014 FIFA World Cup.


  • Use Hashtags


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Because a Vine video lasts for only six seconds, the good thing is that you can come up with a series of Vine videos. However, what you should not forget here, either, is that you need to use hashtags, and unique ones, too. In this case, you may want to refer to the Vine video with the hashtag #OreoMagic.

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