The top 10 fundamentals of social media marketing for Facebook
Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Facebook needs no introduction. If you are choosing social media as your internet marketing platform then Facebook is more than a good choice. There are however beginners in this field of social media marketing. This article is meant for beginners in the world of social media marketing. Following are some essential and to some extent insider tips for those who use Facebook as their social media marketing platform:
- Post engaging contents: Facebook is the wonderland for many surfers. They expect anything but boring web page in this social media Be wise to respect this emotion. Contents should not be monotonous.
- Use images in your Facebook fan page: Visuals help to create brand affinity: an essential strategy for internet marketing. These images can be advertisements with models in it, pictures from an event or conference, product launch recently hosted by your company, picture of that newly launched product and others. The office logo is no longer enough or appealing. You cannot use image on the SERPs whether you promote paid or organic SEM. So this is your opportunity to create and display some colorful ads online and build a brand correlation with your potential clients.
- Initiate discussion forums and threads instead of posts only: Social media marketing gives you this unique opportunity to study the reaction of your leads and customers to your products and services. Initiating conversations and replying to posts builds goodwill and trust for the company. You can add some clever comparison of your product with other similar products in the market or the reason behind its popularity.
- Be active: You cannot afford to have a dead fan page on the social media People look out for new happenings and posts when they visit your page. You cannot afford to appear dull either. Facebook gives you a whole bevy of opportunities to impress your customers. Fans expect regular reads. It is vital to honor their wish.
- Share posts from other relevant websites. This helps you to connect intimately with your leads. It also creates trustworthiness among your fans and leads. Social media marketing gives you this unique opportunity to engage in a discussion besides those related to direct sales.
- Connect all the platforms: All your or your company’s website should be present as performing links on your social media
- Keep posting incentives from time to time to pull in more web traffic. Incentives like discount coupons, offers, give ways and contests surely bring in traffic to your website. If you need some immediate web traffic, then you can post offers with a deadline.
- Use Facebook Insights frequently: this is a kind of web analytics tool for Facebook fan page creators. This software contains metrics and helps to show which section of your page is most popular, why the popularity of the web page has increased and many other parameters that can help you design future sales promotion.
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Filed under: Tips & Tricks
Tags: facebook, facebook ads, fb, social media, social media marketing, strategies
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