Marketing Your Product on Instagram

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

instagram marketing

Instagram is a super new pictorial social media platform, which is taking the digital world by storm. You can put both pictures as well as short videos on Instagram. Instagram as a platform has more than 130 million active users across the world. Statistics show that daily more than 1 billion photos get liked on Instagram. Let us look at a few tips of how you can use Instagram to successfully market your product.

  • Starting up – Create your own personalized business account on Instagram. It is relatively easy to make one. Make sure that your username is the name of your brand. This will help users identify with your brand better. In case that particular username is already taken, choose the closest possible username that instantly helps fans resonate with your brand.
  • Completing your profile – it is very important for businesses to have a complete profile on Instagram. Use a good profile picture with your brand name on it. Also use a good, short, crisp bio which is relevant and informative. Also make sure you include the website link in the bio.
  • Cross connecting Facebook – Facebook owns Instagram. The connection and combination of both of these sites will give an extremely powerful boost to your marketing efforts. Also add an Instagram tab to your brand page on Facebook. This will help you to immediately share your Instagram photos with the fans on your Facebook page.
  • Use relevant hash tags in your content – Hash tags and Instagram sort of go hand in hand. One is a major part of the other. A hash tag defines how the users can look you up and search out your content using their Instagram search on mobile. Other platforms like Twitter have a limited character count and hence you have to limit the number of hash tags you use. There is no such limit on Instagram. You can use as many hash tags to describe your picture as you find relevant. They will make your posts look better and make them more searchable. A word of caution though. Do not over use the hash tags else you will come across as really desperate.
  • Run contests – There is no better way to connect with fans than to run contests. Also, try and use unique hash tags when you run a contest or a campaign on Instagram. This will help in promotion of your contest. This will also help in giving your fans a distinct hash tag in order to track the contest, see how many people have sent entries and of what sort. As a brand, it will also help you to track your contest to see participants and make it easier to choose winners. If you spot a trending hash tag that you feel will fit with your brand, then it is the best bet to use that. Trending hash tags are already known and used by many and if you can get your brand to connect with it, the eyeballs and visibility for your brand and contest will automatically go up.

Thus, Instagram is one of the most easiest and enjoyable platforms to market your product on. If you use this platform correctly, then it can create a huge viral campaign for your brand.

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