Internet marketing and CTA buttons: The relationship and the basic types.

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

call to action

CTA means Call to Action. It is a sort of interface that encourages visitors in a website to do some interaction with the website. In internet marketing, CTAs are vital elements. The reasons are:

  1. They help to promote a visitor into a lead, a lead into a customer, a customer into a promoter and up the business ladder.
  2. They help to collect essential visitor information and build a database that is one of the crucial back bones behind sales promotion and advertisement strategy.

It is very important to categorize your CTA and place them smartly and intelligently in your website without imposing on the visitors. The categorization of CTA in internet marketing is necessary since:

  1. Each CTA is built with a different objective and function.
  2. Different types of web traffic may come to your website every day. There may be simple visitors who is coming for the first time or those paying a repeated visit, those who really want to buy and convert into clients, bloggers who are just looking out from some relevant information and free or paid goodies, customers who are looking out for other products and many more classes. Thus different types of CTA will appeal to each of these categories. The idea is to fetch contacts for instant as well as future sales.

In the following discussion you will find description of some basic types of CTA buttons and how to make them more perfect for effective internet marketing:

  1. Form submission CTA: These are short forms preferably with Name, Email and Phone number. How can you impress your reader or customer? Give them something relevant and useful as they click on the submit CTA. For example if you are an internet marketing agency then you can provide basic web analytic software along with the form submission CTA. This will encourage the visitors to submit their database with you and convert into a lead.
  2. Read More CTA: This is a very common CTA found in many web pages. The idea is to fit a number of posts in one page with Read More CTA at the end of each. The post should ideally contain a gripping paragraph ending in a place where the climax is the highest. The curious reader should click on this tab and get linked to another website may be. This is in actual essence a kind of advertisement if the link takes the visitor to another website. A catchy image may be added to make the read more fun or appropriate.

Social Sharing CTA: This CTA is meant to bring in more contacts. This CTA should be ideally placed at the bottom of the web page after the read is over. An extrovert visitor would surely let his friends know about what he was reading or which shopping site he has visited or his latest buys. In fact, sharing on the social media platform and going public has become a craze. It is the time to take advantage of it and grow your lead database through this social sharing CTA.

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