How to Make Your Blog or Website Popular Using Facebook

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

blog popular facebook

A popular blog can often give its owner a huge profit. This is because a popular blog receives a high volume of traffic from the interweb. Yet, it is certainly not an easy thing at all to come to such an achievement. There are things that a blog owner is supposed to do. One of the things that a blog owner can do is to take advantage of the world renowned social media platform, Facebook. But how do they do that? Well, below is the answer.


Refrain from Posting Long Updates

There are not few Facebook users out there that post updates containing a long story. Rest assured, very few other members on the social site will be happy to follow such a long story. According to statistics, in fact, it is the witty, short posts that can actually lead to the highest traffic. Higher traffic means a higher click-through ratio. This, in turn, leads to more internet users visiting the blog owner’s blog. It is highly recommended that a blog owner does not post an update containing more than a hundred and forty characters. This also makes it much easier for mobile users of Facebook.


Use Links Only When Necessary

Even though a blog owner’s goal is to persuade people to visit his blog, there are times when they should not use any link texts at all. Instead, they can try posting a summary of their blog, accompanied by an image, and simply give the summary and the image a hyperlink that points to his website. This way, the blog owner’s post on Facebook will look cleaner as well.


Choose a Good Quote

There will be even more people who are interested in visiting the blog owner’s blog if he just knows how to choose a good quote from his blog. This will give potent visitors a taste of the blog they are persuaded to visit. The more intriguing the quote taken is, the better it will be for the blog owner.


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Increase Website Traffic Quickly Through Traffic Exchanges

Do Not Hesitate to Ask Questions to Visitors

Yes, this is one rule of thumb in promoting a blog via a social media platform, to be honest. This is because it is more often than not that a question will trigger responses. There are bound to be at least a few responses to a question posted on Facebook. But then again, the blog owner needs to make sure that the question he is asking sounds intriguing.


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Use Largely Sized Images

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How to Create SEO-Friendly Content That Ranks High

No, large does not necessarily mean excessive. As a matter of fact, statistics have shown that posts containing largely sized images have 120% better chances of triggering user engagements. If there are no images whatsoever on a post, it is a surefire that no one will be interested in getting engaged with the post. After all, a large image makes a post look prominent. This is why it is easier to trigger comments, likes and other sorts of interactions when a blog owner uses a largely sized image.

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