10 Ways to Increase Time Spent on Site

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

10 Ways to Increase Time Spent on Site

The internet is a vast and wonderful place, filled with information on every topic imaginable. But it can also be an overwhelming place to navigate if you don’t know what you’re looking for.  In this article, we will go over 10 different ways that can help increase the amount of time people spend on your site while also improving the quality of their experience. So, without further ado here are some strategies to keep in mind when working towards increasing engagement on your website!

  1. Create Compelling Content – Creating compelling content is one of the best ways to get someone’s attention and have them stay longer on your site. The key here is being original, so give some thought as to how you could provide something new or interesting to a reader who may not be familiar with your industry.
  2. Start a Blog – If you have something to say, start a blog. You don’t have to post everyday or even every week if that would just feel like too much work. While it is very important to create compelling content, it can be hard to come up with topics for your blog all the time so starting one gives you room for more flexibility.
  3. Tag/Label Content – This might seem super easy but tagging or labeling your content can go a long way in helping someone find what they are looking for when searching on Google. If you simply title an article “I have a cat” and people search for “how to train my cat” there is no guarantee they will find your article, but if you title the article “How to Train a Cat” and tag it with “cat” and “training” there is a higher chance that someone will come across it. This same concept can also be applied to social media posts. For example, if you are a travel agent and you post about your latest trip to Thailand on Facebook, tagging it as “travel” and “Thailand” will make it more likely for someone who is interested in those topics to see it.
  4. Optimize Your Site for Mobile – With over 60% of internet traffic now coming from mobile devices, having a website that is optimized for mobile is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. More and more consumers are turning to their phones to search for products or services so having a mobile friendly site is key if you want people to find your site organically through Google or social media.
  5. Submit Your Site to Aggregators – One of the best ways to get website traffic from another website is by being listed on an aggregator that pulls content from other sites onto its own page. This way, when someone clicks on the link they have one place that links back several different articles or websites instead of going straight to yours. One example of this is Reddit which pulls posts from all over the internet based on interest categories called “subreddits.” The quantity of traffic you receive will vary depending on how active users are in a subreddit, but traffic is traffic!
  6. Optimize for Search – This goes hand in hand with the previous tip. Make sure that your site includes keywords that people might search for related to what you are offering. You can also optimize images on your website by including tags or keywords as well as writing good detailed meta descriptions about each page of content. The more traffic from Google and other search engines the better!
  7. Spend Some Money – While this isn’t exactly an ethical strategy it may yield results, so we thought we should go ahead and mention this just in case any of needed a little nudge to take the plunge. There are many traffic exchanges that work that you can join where you will get traffic in exchange for traffic of your own. Please do your own research before trying this.
  8. Engage on Social Media – Whether it be Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (or all three), having a strong presence on social media is another way to get people to come back and spend time on your site. Use these platforms to post updates about new blog posts, products being offered or any other news you might have. This is a great way for people to find out more about what you have going on so be sure to keep it fresh!
  9. Create Useful Widgets – Widgets are a good way to increase engagement with content without making it feel spammy. Things like email signups, contests and surveys are a great way to get people involved on your site. For example, if you run a bakery blog you could offer a free eBook on “How to Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies” with an email signup. Simple but effective.
  10. Collaborate with Other Bloggers – This tip falls under the same umbrella as creating widgets – traffic exchanges. Linking out to other bloggers in your niche is another good way of getting traffic back to your site as well as increasing traffic from those sites as well! If someone clicks on one of those links and comes across something they like they might share it with their friends or come back later for more content from that blogger(s). It’s a win-win situation!




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It’s important to optimize your website for mobile devices, submit it to aggregators and work on SEO if you want people to find your site organically. Widgets are also a good way of getting visitors engaged with content without feeling spammy or like they’re just wasting time online. If all else fails, spend some money! This is not the most ethical strategy but may yield results.

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Filed under: Tips & Tricks

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