We currently accept PayPal and Payza payments. These payment systems accept credit/debit cards as well. If you’d like to use your debit/credit cards, you must add them to your PayPal or Payza account and use them from there. PayPal accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Payza accepts Visa and MasterCard.
If you cannot pay using Paypal or Payza please contact support to explore other options.
Filed under: Documentation→Getting Started
Tags: credit cards, getting started, payments, paypal, payza
No. When you subscribe to our service, we will automatically charge for your subscriptions after 30 days. If the payment is not met then your plan or booster packs will be discontinued until you subscribe to them again.
Filed under: Documentation→Getting Started
Tags: charge, getting started, payments
Yes. As long as you are subscribed to the plans and/or booster packs, you will be charged whether or not you choose to use our services. It is your sole responsibility and duty to unsubscribe to our services when you decide not to use them anymore. Unused points will remain in your account’s points balance indefinitely. PayPal and Payza will usually send an invoice to remind you of any upcoming payments.
Filed under: Documentation→Getting Started
Tags: getting started, payments