What is maximum hits per hour?

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Maximum hits per hour lets you restrict how many hits the website will receive in an hour before the campaign stops receiving hits within that hour and is restarted for the next hour. For example, if you set the maximum hits per hour to 300, you will never receive more than 300 hits per hour. This means you’ll get at most 7200 hits per day because 300 x 24 hours = 7200 hits a day. Keep in mind that this does not mean you will receive 300 hits every hour. You could receive less than 300 hits per hour depending on how much activity the network is getting.

IMPORTANT: Changing the maximum hits per hour setting is not immediate and will take in effect in the next hour. If you wish to update it immediately, you’ll need to recreate the campaign and delete the old one. Our system will only update this setting each hour. You may also pause the campaign and wait for the next hour to resume.

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