Updates 2015.08.03
Monday, August 3rd, 2015
A few new updates were made to the website.
Bugs squished
- For those with pagination on Websites, calling a pause, resume, create similar or delete on a campaign would bring you back to the first page (now you are redirected back to the page before the call).
- Server clock drifting causes Exchange Network to output “Too fast, no points earned” (to prevent this, servers now sync daily).
- Subscriptions now add 31 days instead of 30 days per renewal to prevent termination a day earlier.
Improvements made
- Set minimum 20 hits for maximum hits per hour (any lower would cause high bounce rate).
- Automatically pause campaigns if user has less than 1 point available and auto-enable those campaigns once they have more than 1 point.
- Added 5 more countries for geo-targeting: United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Germany.
- Clicking on ‘Continue Anyways’ now closes the modal dialog for web surfers.
Filed under: Tips & Tricks
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