The #1 High Converting Traffic Strategy You Should Know

Monday, February 13th, 2023

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In the modern world, it’s not enough to have a website. You also need traffic or you’ll be left in the dust. There are many ways to get traffic but here we will focus on just one: conversion rate optimization. Conversion Rate Optimization is a method of increasing your website’s conversion rates by making certain changes that relate to design and usability tweaks as well as content marketing strategies that can help drive more conversions from visitors who come to your site. In this article, I’m going to tell you how CRO works and give you some tips for using it so that you can send more people through your funnel and increase sales.


  1. What is Conversion Rate Optimization
  2. How to use CRO on your website
  3. How to buy high converting traffic
  4. The importance of conversion rate optimization
  5. Tips for using CRO on your site
  6. Examples of how you can implement CRO into your marketing strategy
  7. Some common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to optimize their sites and what you should do instead
  8. Conclusion



What is Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization is a process used to increase website conversion rates by making certain tweaks to the design and usability of a website, as well as content that can help drive more conversions from visitors who come to your site. In this article, I’ll tell you how CRO works and give you some tips for using it so you can send more people through your funnel and increase sales.



How to use CRO on your website

Conversion rate optimization is a process used to increase website conversion rates by making certain changes that relate to design and usability tweaks as well as content marketing strategies that can help drive more conversions from visitors who come to your site. In this section, I’ll point out some of the major things you should be aware of when it comes to CRO.



How to buy high converting traffic

Buying high converting traffic is a process of getting more targeted visitors to your site by paying. You’ll need to know the conversion rate on your site before you can buy it, so this section will help you calculate it. I will list two places you can buy high converting traffic if done right:

The Google Ads program is a service with the goal of providing advertising on the Google search engine and other services, such as video services and blogs. The most well-known type of advertisement is the text ad which can be managed through an interface with a wide range of features.

Twitter’s Promoted Accounts product is a service that helps companies reach potential customers with relevant tweets. Companies can also promote other non-promoted accounts, but they are charged for every tweet sent. Twitter’s Promoted Tweets are advertisements shown within a user’s timeline that are usually in the form of a tweet or promoted section on an account page. Promoted Trends are special topics that advertisers pay to have show up in replies to tweets by Twitter members.

Now that you know where to get your traffic, all that’s left is actually making the investment. Make sure that you’re aware of what you’re getting yourself into before committing any money to buying traffic. I’ve written this article to help give you some tips on how you can go about contracting for high-quality traffic so that when you do actually buy the traffic, you’re getting what you paid for.



The importance of conversion rate optimization

is a process used to increase website conversion rates by making certain changes that relate to design and usability tweaks as well as content marketing strategies that can help drive more conversions from visitors who come to your site. Conversion Rate Optimization will usually help you get more traffic, but sometimes it’s also good to buy some high converting traffic like paid ads or social media marketing. This section goes over why buying traffic can help your CRO efforts.



Tips for using CRO on your site

Conversion rate optimization is a process used to increase website conversion rates by making certain changes that relate to design and usability tweaks as well as strategies for content marketing that can help drive more conversions from visitors who come to your site. This section focuses on some of the major things you should know about CRO so you can optimize the process and create a better website.

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Examples of how you can implement CRO into your marketing strategy

In this section, you’ll learn a few examples of how to implement CRO into your marketing strategy.

Tip #1: Start by addressing user desires and expectations in order to avoid friction with the conversion process. User research is an important part of the website optimization process which can provide actionable insights on what people want when visiting your site. As described in The Conversion Rate Experts’ Beginner’s Guide To Increasing Website Conversions Through UX Design, “goal-oriented design” should be at the heart of any good optimization procedure since it leads to high conversions rates while not overwhelming or confusing visitors (or prospects). It also pays off in customer retention and loyalty — after all, who wants to deal with a company that does not meet their needs.

Tip #2: Always be on the lookout for ways to increase website conversions by thinking about your site from the perspective of a user. If you’re not currently following this rule, you should start now or it could cost you money that you need to grow your business. A good way to ensure that your site is optimized for maximum conversions without pushing users away is to run A/B tests. This involves showing two different versions of your landing page, website or email to users at random and have them determine which one converts more effectively. Sometimes this might require some analytics knowledge so you can determine which version garners the best results for a particular campaign.

Tip #3: Make sure that you’re testing the right things and using both qualitative and quantitative measurements to determine what works and what doesn’t. The Conversion Rate Experts’ Beginner’s Guide To Increasing Website Conversions Through A/B Testing goes into more details about this topic as well as some other important rules that come with testing.

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How to Use Website Traffic Analytics for Free to Better Understand Your Site Visitors

Some common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to optimize their sites and what you should do instead

When it comes to conversion rate optimization, there are a few common mistakes that people make. Here are three of the biggest ones:

  1. Focusing on the wrong things: This happens when you’re trying to optimize your site but you’re not paying attention to what’s important. You might be focusing on tiny details instead of the overall user experience. This can hurt your conversions because people will be confused about what you want them to do on your site.
  2. Not doing enough research: Before you start making changes to your site, it’s important that you do some research so you know what works and what doesn’t. If you don’t do any research, you might make changes actually hurt your conversions instead of improve them.
  3. Not A/B testing enough: This is another mistake that can be costly. If you’ve made changes to your site but you don’t test them properly, then you might do more harm than good since the new changes might not work in your favor.




There are many ways to get traffic, but the best way is by using some very simple and effective methods which we will cover in this article. These methods will help you acquire the traffic that you need while making sure that it is of high quality and not just a lot of useless clicks that do nothing but create more work for you. In this section, I’ll show how CRO can be implemented into your marketing strategy with three examples: starting with addressing user desires and expectations in order to avoid friction with the conversion process; always being on the lookout for ways to increase website conversions by thinking about your site from a user’s perspective; and finally implementing A/B testing in order to test what works or doesn’t when optimizing websites.

Filed under: Tips & Tricks

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