Blogging Tips to Drive Traffic

Sunday, January 8th, 2023

free website traffic tool

If you are looking for some of the best free website traffic tools, then this is the article for you. There are many different ways to generate traffic, but these tools will help speed up the process and get more people on your website than ever before.

Some of the most popular methods that people use include social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), blogging, email marketing or even video marketing. These all work well to bring in new visitors and they can be done at a very low cost with today’s technology. But if you don’t want to spend any money there are also other options available too. For example, submitting articles to directories like EzineArticles or Article Marketing make it easy for others find your site. And if you are looking for even more website traffic, then using online tools like Google AdWords can really help.


  1. What is an article marketing campaign and how can it help your business
  2. So what are some of the best free website traffic tools that you can use today?
  3. How to create a successful article marketing campaign
  4. Tips for writing articles that will be accepted by directories like EzineArticles
  5. Five great ways to get high-quality links
  6. How to use Google AdWords to bring in more traffic from search engines
  7. Why content is king – the importance of blogging and online video marketing campaigns



What is an article marketing campaign and how can it help your business

Article marketing is a method of generating traffic to your website or blog by submitting articles in directories like EzineArticles. The idea behind this form of online marketing is that the higher a site ranks in a search engine query, the more clicks through it will get from people who are looking for specific information. You can use article submissions to bring in visitors and generate ideas for original content on your own website.

Some of the best free website traffic tools include social media marketing, email marketing, blogging and video advertising campaigns – all strategies which you can do yourself at little or no cost with today’s technologies. If you would prefer not to spend any money though there are other options available too such as submitting articles to websites like EzineArticles or Article Marketing.



So what are some of the best free website traffic tools that you can use today?

  1. Article Marketing: This is a great way to get your site in front of a whole new audience. By submitting articles you can get on the top of Google searches and gain a steady flow of new visitors every day.
  2. Social Networking: There are many different social sites available that you can use to submit your site to and allow others to submit it too. This helps put your link out in front of millions of potential customers.
  3. Blogging: Having your own blog is a great way to gain new visitors fast. Share interesting things that you find online or write about what your business does. By blogging regularly, the search engines will notice and index your site faster than ever before.
  4. Directory Submission: There are plenty of different directories available where you can submit your website link for free. This not only helps you generate more traffic, but it can even help boost your search engine rankings.
  5. Search Engines: Don’t forget that the most popular free website traffic tool of all is the search engines themselves. By using Google AdWords you can place your website link at the top of results pages for specific keywords related to your business.

All of these are great methods for generating more website traffic, but it is important to remember that it takes time and effort to see results. You can’t simply submit your site and expect hordes of visitors to start coming in. But if you are willing to put in the effort, then using some or all of these tools can really help boost your traffic and get more customers than ever before.



How to create a successful article marketing campaign

Asking for submissions is a great way to get more content on your website. However, you want to be careful not to overwhelm your audience. One of the best ways to do this is by asking people only submit articles every few months and make it clear that they don’t have to write anything specific or tie their link in with other articles on the site. This will help keep submissions infrequent but also high-quality which will lead visitors coming back time after time for new information.



Tips for writing articles that will be accepted by directories like EzineArticles

EzineArticles has been accepting directory listings from individuals since 2001 and now accepts well over 3 million submissions per year across all categories. To ensure your submission goes through, you need to make sure that your article meets these four criteria:

Articles must be original, informative and written in English. Articles must include a resource box containing contact information along with links to one or more sites related to the context of the article. Articles should not advertise other websites unless it is absolutely relevant. Titles cannot exceed 60 characters.



When submitting your article, it is important to keep the following in mind:

– Submit articles that are well-written and informative. The readers of EzineArticles are looking for high-quality content, not blatant advertisements.

– Articles must be original and unpublished elsewhere on the internet. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

– Make sure your resource box is complete and includes all of the necessary contact information.

– Keep article titles to a maximum of 60 characters. This will ensure that they are displayed in their entirety on search engine results pages.

By following these guidelines, you can help increase the chances that your article will be accepted by EzineArticles.



Five great ways to get high-quality links

A lot of SEO companies will charge you an arm and a leg for links. But chances are, they’re not always the highest quality links that you can find. The following are five places where you can go to find free or low-cost links that will really help boost your search engine rankings:

  1. Forums: One of the best ways to get links is by participating in online forums. Not only will you be able to provide helpful information and insights, but you can also include a link to your website in your signature file.
  2. Blog Comments: Another great way to get links is by leaving comments on other people’s blogs. To really get noticed, make sure your comment is useful and not spam-like by including a link to your site rather than promoting it in the comment itself.
  3. Social Bookmarking: There are many sites that allow you to submit bookmarks of your website for other users to vote on. Sites like Digg and Delicious can be great sources of traffic and links.
  4. Article Directories: There are many article directories online that allow you to submit articles for free. In addition to the links you get from the directory itself, your article will also likely get picked up by other websites, providing you with even more links.
  5. Search Engine Optimization: One of the best ways to get links is simply by optimizing your website for the search engines. This can be done through techniques like submitting your site to directories, creating keyword-rich titles and descriptions, and using effective anchor text.

By following these tips, you can generate high-quality links that will help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

SEO-Friendly Blog Post Templates to Make Writing Easier
SEO-Friendly Blog Post Templates to Make Writing Easier



How to use Google AdWords to bring in more traffic from search engines

Google AdWords is a great way to bring in more traffic from search engines. With AdWords, you can create ads that will appear at the top of the search engine results pages when people search for terms related to your business. This can be a great way to get more visitors to your website and increase your sales.

To get started with Google AdWords, you first need to create a campaign. This can be done by going to and clicking on the “Create Campaign” button. From there, you’ll be able to choose between creating a new campaign or using an existing one.

Once you’ve created your campaign, you’ll need to set up your ad. This can be done by creating a title, writing a description, and choosing the keywords that you want to target. You’ll also need to decide how much you want to spend per day on your ad and set a budget for the campaign.

Once your ad is created, you’ll need to create a landing page for it. This is the page that people will be directed to when they click on your ad. Make sure the page is well-designed and provides a good user experience.

Finally, you’ll need to set up your targeting. This can be done by choosing the geographical locations that you want your ad to appear in, the language, and the age and gender of the people you want to target.

Once you’ve set up your targeting, it’s time to start running your ad! Your ad will cycle alongside other ads on the search engine results pages and you’ll only be charged when someone clicks on it. Running an effective Google AdWords campaign can be challenging, but if you follow these steps you should have success in bringing more traffic from search engines.



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Why content is king – the importance of blogging and online video marketing campaigns

Content is king. Online marketing and promotion of any sort relies heavily on content. This is true for blog posts, videos, social media shares, and emails to your subscribers. There are many ways to increase traffic to your website using compelling content.

The first thing you’ll need is a blog. When you write and publish new blog posts on a consistent basis (at least once or twice per week), you’re telling people that your site has fresh content worth visiting again and again.

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Along with blogging, video marketing is one of the most effective ways of increasing website visitors today. Both YouTube and Vimeo provide platforms where you can upload videos for free (Vimeo charges a small fee), but uploading isn’t all it takes to be successful. You also need to create videos that are compelling and interesting to watch.

In addition to blogging and video marketing, you should also be active on social media. This includes sharing your blog posts and videos on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and other social networks. By sharing your content in this way, you’re exposing it to a wider audience.

When you use content to market your business, website traffic will increase over time. Make sure you have a blog or some other type of content creation tool where you can publish new posts on a consistent basis. Then, once the content is out there, share it on social media and across your other marketing channels to give it the widest possible reach.




The power of content marketing is undeniable. When you create compelling blog posts, videos, social media shares and emails to your subscribers, it’s a surefire way to increase traffic on your website. To get started with blogging or video marketing campaigns that drive traffic – start by choosing a topic for the first post then brainstorming a few ideas for future articles. Once those topics are selected, write down three points you want each article to cover as well as the benefits they’ll provide visitors who come across them. Create an enticing title and make sure your images stand out from other sites in your niche (for example: use bright colors). As long as you follow these steps when creating new content such as blogs or videos; there’s no doubt about whether they’ll help increase traffic to your website.

Filed under: Tips & Tricks

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