9 Ways You Can Use Free Traffic Generator Sites To Your Advantage

Thursday, January 12th, 2023

free traffic generator sites

I’m sure you’ve heard of free traffic generator sites. They are not new by any means, but in this day and age they are even more important than ever before.

The internet has changed the way we live our lives- for better or worse is always up to interpretation. One thing it has done is change how quickly information can be shared with others around the world. For some people, this creates a huge opportunity to reach their desired audience, but for many it becomes an uphill battle that just gets harder each day.

Thankfully there are ways out of that battle- one being using free traffic generator sites to get your content seen by more people on the internet. Let’s take a closer look at what these free traffic generator sites are, and what they can do for you.

  1. Social Media Sites – You may already know this one as a free traffic generator site, but it’s worth mentioning as its own point due to the sheer amount of people who spend time on it every day. Facebook is by far the biggest with more than 1 billion active daily users, but there are also social media sites for Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.
  2. Video Sites – YouTube is the biggest video site on the internet today with endless amounts of videos to watch. You can even create your own channel and upload a video in order to gain a following in a specific niche if you’re inclined enough.
  3. Search Engines – This one is a no-brainer, but still warrants mentioning as a free traffic generator site. Google is the biggest search engine on the planet and therefore should be your go-to when you’re looking to increase website traffic.
  4. Article Directories – Places like EzineArticles and HubPages can be a free traffic generator site as well. You can write articles on these sites and promote them to potential readers, just be sure to only write high quality content that is actually worth reading.
  5. Social News Sites – These sites have existed for years now and continue to gain steam every day. Being apart of a social news site gives you a chance to get your content shared and seen by many people, which in turn helps increase traffic to your website.
  6. Places To Exchange Traffic – If you spend time on forums or online communities you might come across posts asking for help with building traffic to their site. If you’re interested, these can lead to free traffic generator sites as well. Most of the time, these people are looking to exchange a link with another site that gets a lot of traffic or helps them achieve their goals in some way. This is essentially free website traffic as long as you’re willing to help out.
  7. Social Bookmarking Sites – There are hundreds if not thousands of social bookmarking sites on the internet. If you aren’t familiar with social bookmarking sites, they are places where visitors can create accounts and save their favorite websites to a list so others can come across them at any time.
  8. Press Release Sites – Press release sites publish press releases submitted by companies looking to get news out about important events or products that might need some publicity. If you have something to share that is newsworthy, submitting it to a press release site can be a great way to get free website traffic.
  9. Paid Services – Finally, if all of these free methods don’t work for you then you can always try out paid services that promise to help increase website traffic. These services usually charge a monthly or yearly fee in order to help you get more website visitors.


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As you can see, there are many different ways to get your content seen by more people on the internet. While some of these methods might require a bit more work than others, they all offer the potential to increase website traffic without having to spend any money. So what are you waiting for? Start using these free traffic generator sites today and get your content out there!

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Filed under: Tips & Tricks

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