10 Steps to Creating an Infographic

Saturday, February 5th, 2022

10 Steps to Creating an Infographic

In this article, we’ll be going over 10 steps you can take to create a basic infographic. Infographics are great tools that provide a lot of information in a little amount of time and they’re easy for people to digest because they’re visually pleasing. They also have the ability to drive traffic back to your website or blog with ease so it’s worth putting some time into them.

  1. What is an infographic
  2. The benefits of infographics
  3. How to create an infographic in 10 steps


What is an infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of information, data or knowledge as a graphic with multiple elements to it. A good infographic should be able to clearly communicate something in a creative and easy-to-digest manner.


The benefits of infographics:

There are a ton of benefits to using infographics as a marketing tool. Some include:

Driving cheap website traffic back to your website or blog

Building connections with your readers and potential clients

Helping readers understand the topic quickly and easily

Having something shareable that people can post on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.


How to create an infographic in 10 steps

Step 1 – Set Goals for your Infographic

Before you start creating your infographic, it’s important that you set goals. What are you trying to communicate with the infographic? Who is the audience and what do they need to know about your topic? Have a clear message so that you know your infographic is on target.

Step 2 – Brainstorm Topics and Ideas

Now that you’ve done some research on your topic, think about what ideas or information might be useful for the reader to understand. Take note of anything that could help communicate what you’re trying to get across to the audience. Once you’re happy with all your ideas, group them together into topic areas.

Step 3 – Create a Wireframe

A wireframe is part of the process that helps determine how information will be organized within an infographic. You can use pen and paper to do this or online wireframing tools like Gliffy . We suggest laying out your ideas so you have room for adding more details and thematic elements later.

Step 4 – Do Research and Write the Content

Now that you have all of your ideas planned out, it’s time to delve into some research. You want to be as accurate as possible so it might take a little longer than expected but it will be worth it in the end. Process each topic area and write out the notes in bullet points.

Step 5 – Create the Design

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Now that you have all of your content in place, it’s time to get creative. Think about what you want the infographic to look like and how it will communicate ideas clearly. If you’re not confident with graphic design, there are plenty of online tools that can create infographics for free. Some are better than others but it’s worth giving them a shot before spending money on this project.

Step 6 – Get Feedback

When you’re done creating your infographic, make sure to get feedback from other people about what they think of the information and design. Are there any areas that need more explanation? Is anything confusing? Do you find the infographic interesting and easy to comprehend? These questions and more should be looked at closely and addressed before releasing your infographic.

Step 7 – Publish, Promote and Track Results

When you’re finally finished with creating your infographic, it’s time to publish it online. You can share it on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. and then track the results over a certain period of time to see how effective it was with traffic and potential clients.

Step 8 – Modify, Improve and Repeat

There will always be room for improvement when creating infographics so make sure you are prepared to modify them in the future. Look at what worked well for this one and what didn’t. It’s also useful to see how people are reacting to the infographic and what they’re saying online. This will help you create better infographics in the future.

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Step 9 – Use Infographics as Traffic Generators

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Once you have created at least one infographic, it’s time to start using them as traffic generators for your website to obtain cheap web traffic. This is a great way to get potential clients and customers interested in what you have to offer because infographics are something people enjoy sharing online.

Step 10 – Use Infographics as Marketing Tools

Now that you know how powerful infographics can be, use them as a marketing tool for your business or website. There’s no reason not to create one and start using it today. You’ll be happy with the results once you see how effective they can be in generating traffic for your business.

If you’re looking for an easy way to generate cheap web traffic, infographics can be a great choice. They’re visually appealing and provide a lot of information in just a few minutes. In this blog post, we’ve shared 10 steps that will help you create your own infographic from scratch or take an existing image and turn it into one. We hope these tips have been helpful — if so, please share them with others who might benefit!

Filed under: Tips & Tricks

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